We’re Moms Loving Moms

We’ve been providing postpartum care kits to new moms since 2020. 

Meet our Founder, Beth

My first postpartum experience left me feeling extremely unprepared and, quite frankly, angry at how unprepared I had been. I had taken birthing classes, done all of the research, and I still entered into postpartum feeling blindsided by the recovery process. No one had talked about the true aches, pains, tears, incontinence…it had all been about how to take care of the baby. As a new mom, of course it’s important to know how to take care of your child, but I am a firm believer that in order to best take care of that child, you have to be set up for success in being able to take care of yourself as well. 

After weeks of searching and purchasing any item I could get my hands on to help aid in my recovery, I finally felt like I had found a handful of supplies that worked. Quickly realizing how costly many of the items were, it became evident to me that not only is postpartum something we enter into without the knowledge of how to take care of ourselves, but oftentimes, without the financial ability to do so. 

Two months into my recovery I felt strongly that God had given me my specific experience for a bigger purpose. I felt passionate about helping other moms to not feel the same way that I did when bringing home my new baby, and to feel as supported and prepared as possible. So the start of Moms Loving Moms began. After my husband helped me come up with a name, I humbly created a facebook page and began informing others of my mission. Since then we have focused on local deliveries in the heart of Murfreesboro, TN as well as some surrounding counties. It is my goal to continue to grow so that moms everywhere can receive a kit absolutely free, because it’s not only the bare minimum of what is needed, but it’s one of the most important things that can be done during that season of life. 

How it works

Sign up for your Kit

Fill out the form on our sign-up page to register to recieve a kit.

Meet our team

Our support team will reach out to you close to your due date to confirm details of your box delivery.

Have your baby

We can’t help you with this, but we’ll be there to support you after. You’ve got this mama!

Recieve your box

Once your baby is born, we’ll deliver your postpartum box directly to you. 

Due to the size of our team, we are currently only able to deliver kits in Tennessee

Meet our Board Members

These are the people who help Moms Loving Moms keep going.

Laura Fisher

Beth Wheeler

Founder, President

Laura Fisher

Laura Fisher

Lindsay Wilburn

Secretary & Event Planning Chair


Brooke Hamilton

Treasurer & Bookkeeper

Ariel Cantrell


Ashley Summers

Delivery Coordinator

Briana Davis


Haley Dye

Volunteer Coordinator


Jennifer Bowman


Meagan Kelley


Megan Austin

Graphics & Web Design

Sam Morton

Recipient Care Coordinator

It takes a village

Each kit is valued at an estimated $150. The value of the pads alone in each kit is $30. We have individual items that cost as low as $2 and as much as $35. 

Any donation amount makes an impactful difference.

Want to Volunteer with us?

If you’re looking for ways to volunteer or want to join us at our next boxing day, you can email our team at info@momslovingmoms.com

What moms are saying about our postpartum care boxes:

“I just got home and cried when I saw the postpartum totes. I cannot thank you enough. There were actually things in it I realized I needed to buy when I left the hospital. This will make this SO much easier.”


“Let me just say, this kit is a lifesaver! Wow. I had been on Pinterest with some ideas but I was so not emotionally or physically prepared for postpartum. What a sweet and needed ministry you have.”


“You really have no idea how great it is and how helpful. No one ever talks about how hard it is postpartum and I really don’t know what I would have done if I didn’t find out about your kits when I had my baby, no one had warned me about what I was about to go through.”


“I am blown away by this kit! This is absolutely amazing. Extremely helpful. I had a 20 hour labor and had some complications with bleeding after. These things will help me recover. What a blessing this was.”


Ready to sign up for your box?

Fill out the form on our sign-up page and our team will be in touch with you soon.